Thanks to Lolo School District volunteers, Lolo School District is able to provide expanded educational services to its student – whether in Title I, individual classrooms, extracurricular activities and many other areas. If you are interested in being a volunteer, please review the information contained in this website directory area (the Volunteer Handbook, in particular) and/or contact any of our school offices for further information. Thank you!

District Office - 273-0451
Elementary Office - 273-6686
Middle School Office - 273-6141

Concussion Training for coaches and volunteers - go to the following link and click on 'order course' to complete the concussion training: http://nfhslearn.com/courses/61037


Lolo School’s Title I program is looking for volunteers to help students with academic needs. Title I is a federally funded program that offers academic support in reading and math for students in Kindergarten through 4th grade. Volunteers are needed for one-on-one instruction Mondays through Thursdays in the mornings or afternoons.

Lessons are prepared by the Title I staff to fit each student’s individual academic needs in the areas of reading or math. Lessons are well organized, with simple directions and full teacher support.

Volunteers are parents, grandparents, older siblings, college students, neighbors and part-time employees. No experience is necessary!

If you are interested in more information, call and visit with the Title I staff at 273-0451.


Click here for the Personnel Volunteer Manual and Sign Off Forms.